Friday, 29 April 2016

A-Z Challenge 2016: Y is for Yonder Street

This has to be my favourite address in my family history.  Yonder Street, Ottery St Mary, Devon, England was where my MURCH ancestors lived through several centuries.  Yonder Street still exists today, with the (fairly small by today's standards) terraced houses at the lower end of the housing market.

I just love the idea of somebody asking where my ancestor lived, and he said, "I live over yonder street"...


Google Map of Ottery St Mary


© 2016 Ros Haywood. All Rights Reserved


  1. A great place to have called home, Yonder! :)

    1. And imagine if YOU lived there: Yolanda from Yonder. Sounds like the title of a book ha ha

  2. Ooooh I love it! The only odd one I have is my grandparents lived at 666-6th Ave and I still remember their phone number from the 50's - Pontiac6-4856.

    1. There are many wonderful street names in Devon. When I used to visit my grandparents, nearby was Squeezebelly Lane. It was really just an extremely narrow alleyway, so for two people to pass, they needed to turn with their backs to the wall and...squeeze.



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