Wednesday, 27 April 2016

A-Z Challenge 2016: V is for Valuation Office Field Books
If you haven't heard of these before, don't worry.  They are tucked away at Kew (in class IR 58).  They cover the years 1910-1914, and list all the properties in England, who owns them, who lives in them, and whether they have been sold recently.

They are also known as 'Domesday Books', because of their similarity in content with William the Conqueror's original Domesday Book.

© 2016 Ros Haywood. All Rights Reserved


  1. Hi Ros - these A-Zs make fascinating reading ... I'd no idea bout these Valuation records in Kew ... how interesting ... cheers Hilary

    1. That's one of the reasons I love the A-Z Challenges - you get to read so much that you would never have otherwise gone looking for.

  2. Again another set of records new to me . Thank you.

    1. That's why I like writing these trivia posts. They might help someone somewhere.



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