Friday, 8 April 2016

A-Z Challenge 2016: G is for Google Books

Google Books.  An often-untapped source which is just waiting for you to dive in.  Oh, yes, I’ve heard of it, you say – but what actually IS it?
Google Books is a massive online collection of out-of-print, out-of-copyright books.  Yes, there are also in-print books, and you can always buy them (and GB gives you the link) – or borrow them.  If the book is in the public domain, you can even download a pdf copy FREE.

There are different views of a book:
Full View – if it’s out of copyright, or the author/publisher has requested it – and you may be able to download a pdf.
Limited Preview – you can see a limited number of pages only
Snippet View – information about the book and a few snippets
No Preview Available – information about the book only

Google Books is really a huge search engine just for books.  Try going to it at and searching for "genealogy" (without the quotes).  I got 1,570,000 results in .67 seconds.  How about you?    Try searching for your surname.  See what you turn up.

© 2016 Ros Haywood. All Rights Reserved


  1. Thanks for this tip, Ros. I must give it a try.

  2. Nice to see you still going strong, Ros. Last year (year before?) I added you to my Pinterest Board of A to Z people I like to keep in contact with. :) Have a great time in this year's challenge.
    Jemima Pett

    1. Thanks, Jemima! I have added you to my list of blogs I follow, as well. All the best for this year's A-Z.

  3. Oh I've never heard of Google books so thanks for the tip Ros. Sue @Sizzling60 from
    Sizzling Towards Sixty

    1. You'll be surprised at the books you will find!

  4. There are so many things to love about Google - and Google Books is one of them.



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