Wednesday, 10 April 2013

A-Z Challenge 2013: I is for Indexing

So, you've heard about indexing at, but you're not sure you should try it, because you're not that comfortable sounds have to have been doing genealogy for over 30 years...I haven't got the will be expensive...

Stop making excuses.  Because, actually, that's what they are.  You may think that they're more like reasons - and very reasonable reasons - and you will be pleasantly surprised to find they just don't apply.
  • You don't have to be a computer wizard
  • You don't have to be a genealogy guru
  • You just watched half an hour's worth of cartoons on the TV.  That's all the time you need to index
  • It's free
All you are doing is typing out somebody else's writing (two-finger typists are perfectly acceptable).  Your work gets checked - so you needn't worry that you will make horrific mistakes which will then go out into the world - and you will be giving back / paying it forward to people everywhere, because then the records you index will be available online for free.  You can fit it in around your busy schedule - even half an hour a week is great - and there's plenty of help every step of the way.

Try it!


  1. I helped index the 1940 US census. The only annoying part was when the checkers got it wrong. LOL

  2. This is such an inspiring post. Will check it out.

    Damyanti @Daily(w)rite
    Co-host, A to Z Challenge 2013

    Twitter: @AprilA2Z
    AZ blogs on Social Media

  3. Kristin - I know exactly what you mean! Don't let it put you off, though - you did a great job on the 1940 census: it was done so quickly!

  4. Hi Damyanti - thanks for stopping by. Glad you feel inspired - indexing is a great thing to do!

  5. Good Point. I am guilty of making excuses and deferring until I have more time.

  6. Glad this has given you some food for thought, Sharon. :o)
    Thanks for stopping by.



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