Wednesday, 30 September 2015

WikiTree: Club 1000, Projects, and Challenges

On WikiTree, you can earn virtual badges for the number of contributions you make to the tree.  Up until now, I have only earned 'Club 100' badges - which means I have made (at least) 100 contributions in any given month (such as entering dates, sources, names and so on).  But this month (September 201 5) I have achieved the dizzy heights of 'Club 1000', meaning I have entered 1000 of those things.  (This also means I have neglected my studying, my housework, my reading...)

I also discovered the Sourcerer's Challenge, where you wander through various profiles which have been marked (categorised) as Unsourced, and either source them, or note that you couldn't.  And an Unsourced Profile is just like it sounds - it may have data, but no sources.  I managed to provide suitable sources for 65 individuals this month.  So satisfying! It feels like I have a chance to give back, and the authority to say I am allowed to nosey around.

Then I thought:  why stop at sources? and I discovered the Profile Improvement Project, which actually goes around tidying things up generally, rather than limiting yourself to sources.  And yet my own flat still looks like the Council tip.  Sigh.

© 2015 Ros Haywood. All Rights Reserved


  1. Thanks for blogging about WikiTree and thanks for all your great contributions! :)

  2. I have been on since 2011 and I am still discovering things. The WikiTree team is always updating and adding new features and the volunteers are exceptional in creating new projects with great sourcing. I currently Co-lead the 1776 Project and we work with the Profile Improvement Project to help create good profiles of notable figures. Thank you for the post.

  3. Your Blog says "...we might be related" and that your Ancestry is in and around Devon. If you are related to Roger Clapp from Devon(, then we have found a common ancestor.

    1. Unfortunately, I dont recall a Roger Clapp in my ancestry. But, as they say: "Never say never" - so watch this space!



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