Friday, 1 February 2013

Family History Writing Challenge: Day 1

Today is the first day of the Family History Writing Challenge 2013, hosted by Armchair Genealogist Lynn Palermo.  She has got this Challenge going and there are over 600 participants this year (and it's free).  It's not a competition, nor are there prizes - the competition is with yourself (are you actually going to get a move on this year?) and the prize is That Family History you've always been meaning to put together...

From her 'Welcome' page, there is this:

"The Family History Writing Challenge is an opportunity for all genealogists, to set some valuable time aside for the next 2[8] days and commit to writing their family history stories. No more excuses. There are so many benefits to writing your family history."

By kind permission of Tower Hamlets Local History Library & Archives
Family histories can take many forms: blogs, memoirs, narratives, your research journey and so on.  Last year (2012) I determined that I was going to write and tidy up the family history book I had been writing for so long that even the cobwebs had cobwebs and the dust on it had dust!  I managed two chapters of it last year and paid for the copyright permission from Tower Hamlets to use one of their archive photos for my cover art.  Then, I sat back, ready to begin writing 'Faith and Silk' (it's a book about one of my paternal lines who were silk weavers and Protestant Dissenters) - and then I realised it was the end of February already!

So this year, I have loaded 'Faith and Silk' into Scrivener and separated it out into chapters.  It's looking quite good, if I say so myself!  Now I just have to write...

Remember! you can't edit if you don't have the words down there to work with...

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